Free Book

To celebrate Easter, I have made my first collection of haiku poems free on Amazon Kindle.

Haiku 50

thunderous big waves

smash onto outlying rocks

car park shelters crow

Free Download Here

Colin Myles Author


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More Haiku

Here are some more haiku, to read, ponder and enjoy.

little fishing boats/shelter in an old harbour/the halyard’s pinging

middle of bare tree/magpie settles ruffles wings/craps on the windscreen

the car number plate/reflects in rippling puddle/sunlight in the rain

bare tree brutal wind/hooded crow extracting twigs/construction begins

sweeping sweeping rain/driven in from Atlantic/students cycling home

early morning fog/dampness clings to everything/one daffodil blooms

cradle cap of mist/creates a fluorescent dome/neo-noir landscape

I hope you enjoyed these seven haiku.

Colin Myles


My book Haiku Moments is enrolled in the Kindle Matchbook programme

When you buy the paperback you get kindle version for free

Books arrived

Yesterday the paperback version of my latest book, Haiku Moments arrived.

The book is available from Amazon

Also it is available from Barnes & Noble

Now the part most authors dread, having to promote and sell them. Let the journey begin.

Colin Myles Author & Poet

Haiku Moments

Early in December 2018, I published my first book of haiku poems. Today I would like to share three of them with you.


naked foliage / spring struggles to release / late winter coattails


silver grey morning / amber slivers just peeking / one cuckoo calling


blackbird perched high / magpie on telephone line / a conversation

I hope you enjoyed reading these. Haiku Moments is now available to purchase from Amazon,

Buy Here

Colin Myles Author & Poet