9 Summer Haiku

Here are nine haiku, written over the past seven weeks. Hope you enjoy them.

  1. couple in kayak/ dogs racing along the beach/ turquoise sea idle’s

2. midday sun blazes down/ pleading heartfelt seagull’s cry/ having ploughman’s lunch

3. the low tide saunters/ waves roll in a hundred fold/ numbers on water

4. emerald pastures/ view across the bay today/ silver spider’s web

5. white noise of traffic/ zooming by the bay window/ rose bush keeps blooming

6. a magpie returns/ tidying the hidden nest/ distant seagulls shriek

7. an empty red bin/ two forlorn pink flip flops wait/colony of gulls

8. along the seashore/ a trail of darkened seaweed/ forgotten flip flops

9. colony of gulls/ feasting on rotten seaweed/ swatting the sandflies

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed them.

Colin Myles Haiku Poet


Over the past weekend, I just finished the first draft of my second collection of haiku poems. Which roughly covers July 18 through to December 18. In the meantime thought I would share some ongoing haiku from 2019.

  1. the Angelus bell/unfurls across the gorse fields/a magpie listens

2. mild humid spring day/wind choreographs fauna/cut grass aroma

3. incoming high tide/ripples around the pier’s curve/flash of conger eel

4. another year flown/walk the same laneways again/Maythorn blossoming

5. iron graveyard gate/flecks of rust peeling away/narrow road to sea

I hope you enjoyed these five haiku.

Colin Myles Author/Haiku Poet

More Haiku

Here are some more haiku, to read, ponder and enjoy.

little fishing boats/shelter in an old harbour/the halyard’s pinging

middle of bare tree/magpie settles ruffles wings/craps on the windscreen

the car number plate/reflects in rippling puddle/sunlight in the rain

bare tree brutal wind/hooded crow extracting twigs/construction begins

sweeping sweeping rain/driven in from Atlantic/students cycling home

early morning fog/dampness clings to everything/one daffodil blooms

cradle cap of mist/creates a fluorescent dome/neo-noir landscape

I hope you enjoyed these seven haiku.

Colin Myles


My book Haiku Moments is enrolled in the Kindle Matchbook programme

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Haiku Moments

Early in December 2018, I published my first book of haiku poems. Today I would like to share three of them with you.


naked foliage / spring struggles to release / late winter coattails


silver grey morning / amber slivers just peeking / one cuckoo calling


blackbird perched high / magpie on telephone line / a conversation

I hope you enjoyed reading these. Haiku Moments is now available to purchase from Amazon,

Buy Here

Colin Myles Author & Poet