Trawler & The Sea – Haiku

rusted trawler’s hull / breakers racing to the shore / gulls wade water’s edge

Colin Myles

Robin in the Mist – 2 Haiku

Yesterday, the mist and drizzle was sweeping in off the Atlantic. Just after switching on the coffee percolator, I glanced out the kitchen window. There in a tiny hole in the hedge was a robin sheltering from the nasty weather. From my mind came these two haiku.

  1. wind whips across bay / robin shelters in hedgerow / window to nature

2. the sweeping mizzle / robin shelters in hedgerow / watch his sereneness

Thank you for reading

Colin Myles

The Promenade.. 4 Haiku

Today was warmish for November, so I took a walk along the promenade. Here are some of the things that caught my eye, in haiku form.

  1. on the promenade /mongrels pure bred’s fashion walk /coal barge leaves the docks
  2. on the promenade /expensive ski wear on show / we live by the sea
  3. on the promenade /struggle to elude dog mess /jimmy choo’s clack on
  4. everyone wraps up /Christmas market open now /just the same old kitsch

Thank you for reading hope you enjoyed them.

Colin Myles Haiku Collection

Cigarettes & Moonlight – 5 Haiku

1. sliver of sunlight/sneaks through the dusty white blinds/turnover once more

2. freshly laundered/pillows inhale the moonlight/cobwebs over there

3. sunlight soaked cushions/years of people’s scent linger/an afternoon doze

4.outside busy pub/cigarette butts and fallen leaves/faint moonlight glimmers

5. delicate sunshine/fruitfly on kitchen worktop/it’s October now

Thank you for reading

Colin Myles


My first collection of Haiku . . Haiku Moments is free today only, on Amazon

6 HAIKU . . . Dreams

  1. am startled awake / wind and rain hammer down down / recalling the dream
  2. am startled awake / wind and rain hammer down down / blanket of darkness
  3. am startled awake / wind and rain hammer down down / who withstands the storm
  4. am startled awake / wind and rain hammer down down / trawlers in harbour
  5. am startled awake / wind and rain hammer down down / trawlers ride the waves
  6. am startled awake / wind and rain hammer down down / trawlers brave the storm

Thank you for reading. Hope you enjoyed them,

Colin Myles Haiku Collection

5 Haiku

  1. warm autumn drizzle / coats the freshly mown green lawn/ jackdaws out lunching
  2. waxing crescent moon/ hangs by heaven’s hidden thread/ illuminates bay
  3. waxing crescent moon/hanging over the rooftops/ dishes drying on rack
  4. roaring river runs/ beneath the city’s four bridges/ tourists take photos
  5. overcast morning/ terrier sniffs in garden/ cocks a leg stakes claim

Thank you for reading.

Colin Myles Haiku


Here are seven recent haiku for you to enjoy.

between windswept clouds / the full moon continues to shine / a shimmering bay

between windswept clouds / translucent full moon beams bright / a full tide rises up

the silver half moon / reflects along the shoreline / step out to admire

the half moon glistens / shimmer ripples along bay / step out to admire

muffled lapping waves / fishing boat anchored offshore / jumping stones go plop

muffled lapping waves / fishing boat anchored offshore / children skimming stones

muffled lapping waves / fishing boat anchored offshore / seagulls fight for space

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed them.

Colin Myles Haiku author

9 Summer Haiku

Here are nine haiku, written over the past seven weeks. Hope you enjoy them.

  1. couple in kayak/ dogs racing along the beach/ turquoise sea idle’s

2. midday sun blazes down/ pleading heartfelt seagull’s cry/ having ploughman’s lunch

3. the low tide saunters/ waves roll in a hundred fold/ numbers on water

4. emerald pastures/ view across the bay today/ silver spider’s web

5. white noise of traffic/ zooming by the bay window/ rose bush keeps blooming

6. a magpie returns/ tidying the hidden nest/ distant seagulls shriek

7. an empty red bin/ two forlorn pink flip flops wait/colony of gulls

8. along the seashore/ a trail of darkened seaweed/ forgotten flip flops

9. colony of gulls/ feasting on rotten seaweed/ swatting the sandflies

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed them.

Colin Myles Haiku Poet


Over the past weekend, I just finished the first draft of my second collection of haiku poems. Which roughly covers July 18 through to December 18. In the meantime thought I would share some ongoing haiku from 2019.

  1. the Angelus bell/unfurls across the gorse fields/a magpie listens

2. mild humid spring day/wind choreographs fauna/cut grass aroma

3. incoming high tide/ripples around the pier’s curve/flash of conger eel

4. another year flown/walk the same laneways again/Maythorn blossoming

5. iron graveyard gate/flecks of rust peeling away/narrow road to sea

I hope you enjoyed these five haiku.

Colin Myles Author/Haiku Poet