Haiku – Circus

circus tent is up
luminous red neon signs;
blazing through the rain

Colin Myles

Solstice Weekend – 5 Haiku

This solstice weekend has seen a myriad of weather fronts. From glorious sunshine to the four winds howling and galloping breakers, followed by relentless rain sweeping in from the Atlantic and back again to sunshine. Here are five haiku it inspired.

blustery morning

the four winds howl around house

hear the eaves crack, squeak

the four winds howl, howl

kicking up swirling sandstorm

three heavy raindrops

on summer solstice

sweeping rain falls with vengeance

Dylan’s rowdy ways

wild west wind charging

quick heavy downpour ensues

galloping breakers

the mighty sea roars

unleashing angry breakers

pounding pier wall

Colin Myles


don’t forget you can read my new haiku collection “Catch the Silence ” for free on Wattpad

RAIN . . . 6 HAIKU

weather man says rain / weather app predicts more rain / settle in by fire

weather man says rain / weather app predicts more rain / voice begs it to end

weather man says rain / miserable dark days and nights / embers of hope glow

the rain keeps pounding / hopping off the car’s bonnet / smoke a cig and watch

constant dig repair / camber of roads banjaxed / spot flooding with rain

relentless rain pounds / the wild wild Atlantic way / lives up to it’s name

Colin Myles Haiku

Robin in the Mist – 2 Haiku

Yesterday, the mist and drizzle was sweeping in off the Atlantic. Just after switching on the coffee percolator, I glanced out the kitchen window. There in a tiny hole in the hedge was a robin sheltering from the nasty weather. From my mind came these two haiku.

  1. wind whips across bay / robin shelters in hedgerow / window to nature

2. the sweeping mizzle / robin shelters in hedgerow / watch his sereneness

Thank you for reading

Colin Myles https://www.amazon.com/Haiku-Moments-reflections-nature-life/dp/1791581803/

6 HAIKU . . . Dreams

  1. am startled awake / wind and rain hammer down down / recalling the dream
  2. am startled awake / wind and rain hammer down down / blanket of darkness
  3. am startled awake / wind and rain hammer down down / who withstands the storm
  4. am startled awake / wind and rain hammer down down / trawlers in harbour
  5. am startled awake / wind and rain hammer down down / trawlers ride the waves
  6. am startled awake / wind and rain hammer down down / trawlers brave the storm

Thank you for reading. Hope you enjoyed them,

Colin Myles Haiku Collection


Over the past weekend, I just finished the first draft of my second collection of haiku poems. Which roughly covers July 18 through to December 18. In the meantime thought I would share some ongoing haiku from 2019.

  1. the Angelus bell/unfurls across the gorse fields/a magpie listens

2. mild humid spring day/wind choreographs fauna/cut grass aroma

3. incoming high tide/ripples around the pier’s curve/flash of conger eel

4. another year flown/walk the same laneways again/Maythorn blossoming

5. iron graveyard gate/flecks of rust peeling away/narrow road to sea

I hope you enjoyed these five haiku.

Colin Myles Author/Haiku Poet